Paris-based Kitsune has a unique way of procuring disgusting amounts of style with a simplistic idealism that appears to have what some might call an "everyman approachability with a just-out-of-reach coolness." (I know, only in France, right?) Well, the preppy tastemakers have struck again with a collection of "behind the scene" images of the forthcoming AW 2011-12, which, of course, bleed all kinds of style on everything from the models to the cobblestone streets they inhabit. Shot by Romain Bernardie James, the collection of images is a quick glimpse into Kitsune's signature slim suits, contrast collars and tight-rolled Americana that has me sadly ready for the chill of autumn. And if I'm not mistaken, it appears as if one of the models is actually eating. Again, only in Paris.
See the full collection here.