Call me old fashioned, but I'm still a sucker for the physical Gregorian-calendar that is slowly becoming an item of modern folklore - and the amazing collection pictured here is doing nothing but feeding the flame. While I'm not exactly on the prowl for an alligator-bound Filofax, I will say that having something to physically document appointments and important reminders is something that has almost become nostalgic. Now, while I wouldn't recommend going graffiti on this collection, I will say they are a stylish reminder of a time when checking the date was an act drenched in ultra cool design, process and creativity (and probably the occasional sip of whiskey). While names like Giorgio Tramontini, Carl Lang Verlag and Hiroshi Ohchi mean pretty much nothing to the kid with the iPhone glued to his hand, they are icons that changed the day-to-day, making for interesting conversation, punctuality and impressively timeless wall fixtures.