It's difficult to explain what makes old movie posters so appealing. And I must say that Ira M. Resnick's collection has me - once again - nothing short of speechless (he is, after all, the founder of the Motion Picture Arts Gallery). Set for release next month comes a book highlighting Resnick's personal collection of beautiful vintage movie posters, aptly titledStarstruck: Vintage Movie Posters from Classic Hollywood (Abbeville Press). This tour-de-force of Hollywood's "Golden Era" (1912 to 1962) is a stunning look into a past of finely-crafted movie advertising, featuring such notables as Gary Cooper, John Barrymore (whom you might better know as Drew Barrymore's grandfather), Gloria Swanson, and Orson Welles. And did I mention a foreword by Martin Scorsese? Trust me, your coffee table and dinner guests will thank you for this purchase.