When it comes to coveted books on men's fashion, few (if any) even compare to the cult following behind "Take Ivy." And lucky for all of us, powerHouse Books is republishing a second edition with a fresh English translation - after all, nobody likes shelling out a cool grand for something you can't even read. Originally published in Japan in 1965, "Take Ivy" was the brainchild of four rather style Japanese gentlemen. The book itself provided a rather candid first-look into the effortless style meandering Ivy League campuses, eventually paving the way for the timeless appeal of sartorial academia that has found welcome homes as varied as Kanye West and the Kennedy's. Penny-loafers, oxfords, plaids and madras litter the pages, creating an Ivy experience that could easily be mistaken for a Band of Outsiders lookbook soundtracked by Vampire Weekend. Whether on the boat, in class, or in the office, this book is a must for any sartorially minded gentry. Pre-orders are available here.
[via The Pursuit Aesthetic]