With summer at our fingertips, it seems as if everyone is jumping on the madras bandwagon. And while I'm not usually one to follow, I must say that this is a trend of which I can happily jump on board - especially with the latest releases from A.P.C., Gant Rugger x ACL and Gitman Vintage x Seevees. Apart from its ridiculous comfort and interesting colonial backstory ("Madras" is actually the former English name of the city of Chennai, India), the lightweight fabric itself is something unique with both the front and back being indistinguishable from each other - hence the reason you'll find great designers like Engineered Garments making impeccably stylish scarves out of the material. Perhaps the greatest aspect of madras might be its uncanny wearability and dynamic color variations, creating something accessible to the yacht club and ivy-league hipster as much as it is to the rocker and surfy beach set. I highly recommend you take it for a spin this summer.