Few things speak to the alter ego like a good pair of black-rimmed frames. Keeping true to all things great about secret identities, Matt Singer has teamed up with Selima and BEV favorite Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. to create an exclusive Secret Identity Kit for those who need to "blend in" with all those hapless civilians. The classic frames continue traditions of timeless style and mystery for the superhero set, including the ability to replace with prescription lenses or sunglasses - you know, just in case you need to prove your blindness (again) and/or contain your finicky laser eyes. And the package design on the kit isn't half bad either with the "Secret Identity" debossed on the outside of the case and "Strive to be Boring" printed inside. Wise advice when you're saving the world every day. Now we just need a Steven Alan tear-away oxford collaboration and we'll be all set.