As everyone battles through the scrums of American menswear, I recently had the opportunity to get my hands on The Hill-Side's Black Watch Plaid-Coated Tie, which brings new meaning to process and unprecedented utilitarianism with a dash of - you guessed it - waxed and oil-treated canvas. What truly separates this tie is not just the material and feel but the importance of process, fabrication and individualism. Additional touches, like the understated hand-stamped packaging, provide a better understanding of your product and its history. The Black Watch tie (the one I purchased and pictured) is stamped as follows: N55-005. N = non-selvedge; 55 = 55 inches long; and 005 = the fifth non-selvedge tie they've made since inception. While you're not contractually obligated to explain the process of your neckwear, I highly recommend brushing up on your "It's made in New York" delivery.