As a card carrying beer junkie, I've recently struggled with the lack of quality design on the product labels. For the amount of precision and care within each tasty bottle, one can only wonder what happens when the breweries decide on their rather tasteless label design. Yes, the liquid inside is most important; however, one can't deny how important a great label is for both marketing and overall enjoyment. Luckily, there are a few classic examples like
Brooklyn Brewery's "B" and the
Sixpoint Craft Ales star that are not only timeless, but altogether simple and unmistakable (Brooklyn's "Local" series is a personal favorite). I've even recently become a fan of
Deschutes Brewery's "Reserve Series" and their use of simple text juxtaposed with beautifully-minimalist calligraphy. And just thinking about
Dogfish's massive potential (keep the fish...lose the cluttering text) has me ready for a well-crafted afternoon beverage.