In the world of photography, little can compare to the classically-familiar Polaroid image. Unfortunately, their untimely abandonement of instant film has left most of us scrounging for the last batches of white-framed nostalgia. Enter Poladroid. This great little (free) program allows users to take their favorite hi-res digital images and Polaroid-ize them with all the dreamy details that make Polaroid so well recognized the world over (it even allows you to digitally shake your images to speed up processing...and your carpel tunnel). The current BETA version is only available for MAC, with a PC version nearing completion. Check out some of the the possibilities here...then download here.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Poladriod is the New Polaroid
In the world of photography, little can compare to the classically-familiar Polaroid image. Unfortunately, their untimely abandonement of instant film has left most of us scrounging for the last batches of white-framed nostalgia. Enter Poladroid. This great little (free) program allows users to take their favorite hi-res digital images and Polaroid-ize them with all the dreamy details that make Polaroid so well recognized the world over (it even allows you to digitally shake your images to speed up processing...and your carpel tunnel). The current BETA version is only available for MAC, with a PC version nearing completion. Check out some of the the possibilities here...then download here.